Join our network

Learn from us and your colleagues in the performing arts industry

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Learn from our +150 members
Network meetings for the performing arts
Free webinars, podcasts & more
Network meetings

Let’s work together to improve our businesses.

We host monthly network meetings for our users to inspire each other on how we can make workflows more efficient and better manage our organizations. Our network meeting will give you new tips and tricks on how to get the most out of our digital solution.

Dance schools

Learn how local and international dance schools work, share best practices and help each other grow


Code of conducts, application processes, budgeting, fundraising and much more.


More than 70+ theatres and Improv theaters have already joined our network. Don’t miss out on all the valuable learnings.

User research

Be part of a global movement to create better solutions

Join our user research lab and help us understand how we can build solutions that will solve your problems.


Our network gets access to exclusive events

Join our network to access industry events and learn how others in your field grow with Culmas.

Webinars & podcasts

Learn from industry experts and thoughtleaders

We keep an eye on successful theatres, studios, venues and performing arts schools and invite them in for a chat about their secret sauce.  Network members get free access to all our ressources.